The Power of Not Knowing

Where to focus your energy in this time of unknown.

Note; This was first posted in 2020, yet the power of not knowing is still as relevant today.

by Cindy Griffith

A common concern I hear is you don’t know what your future holds Post Corona. You want to take action yet are in the dark about what actions to take. I understand how you all feel. I find my concerns are voiced through my dreams and lately those resemble episodes of the TV show Lost.

First off, please release the expectation that you should know what to expect. It is almost impossible to know what your life is going to look like Post Corona. Yet, I assert there is power in that unknown.

You have been told that you are the creator of your destiny. Your mind, with its creative visualization and manifestation ability, is the generator of your future. You daydream and imagine what your future will look like and the resulting vibration shapes your outcome. Yet, if you can’t imagine a future, how can your mind work to attract it? There will almost certainly be opportunities for you that you cannot foresee yet, so why limit your options?

What if your Creator was allowed to be the generator of your destiny right now?

Think of the freedom this offers. It is the ultimate Let go and Let God. You are being given an opportunity to let Spirit reboot your journey.

I maintain a better use of your energy is to stop trying to manifest anything. Rather take this time of uncertainty to support your physical, mental/emotional, spiritual and financial health. When the time comes for action you will be healthy and ready to assess where you fit into the new Post Corona world.

So, my advice right now is to take small steps to get yourself healthy physically, mentally/emotionally, spiritually and financially! Let’s break it down.

Physical Health:

Did you lose your exercise routine? Did you develop unhealthy habits? Maybe at first just map out where you can improve and then plan small doable steps to get yourself moving toward a healthier routine.

  1. Evaluate what you need to get physically healthier. Yet avoid judging where you are and how you got there.
  2. Start ways to boost your immune system.
  3. Pick one small thing you can do today to improve your physical health.
  4. Get support to make these changes. Many physical trainers or health practitioners offer support in person or online.
  5. Find a health buddy, whether in person or online.

Mental/Emotional Health

What does your mental and emotional health look like right now? It is important to honor where you are emotionally and mentally rather than judge it or pretend to be okay when you aren’t. Remember, it is quite natural to have good and bad days, yet I cannot recommend therapy enough to help with coping skills and overwhelming emotions.

  1. Decide what helps you mentally. Maybe limiting social media and News can help your wellbeing or maybe researching helps. Always be sure to check the sources of any online or even mainstream news.
  2. Take care of your emotions. You may find talking to a professional or a friend would support you. Getting support shows strength, not weakness.
  3. Be kind to yourself rather than judging yourself for your thoughts and feelings. Judgment doesn’t help, instead honor what you are feeling and thinking.
  4. Get out in nature or do something productive like clean out a closet or organize a file. Start small so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  5. Look on line for reputable mental and emotional health tips. and were both recommended by a trusted mental health professional.

Spiritual Health

Our spiritual life is so personal, yet there are ways to support yourself spiritually as you traverse these uncharted territories.

  1. Pray, Meditate, or Contemplate. Whatever you do to connect to that Inner Wisdom, do that.
  2. Ask your guides or angels to set up what is best for your future and to help you see which choices to make so you align with what they arrange.
  3. Find an affirmation that supports your spiritual ideal or goal. I like “I am aligned with my Soul’s Divine Plan.”
  4. Reach out and connect with someone who is like minded using Email, Zoom, Facetime, Facebook Messenger or even writing a letter. Connection is important.
  5. Read, watch or listen to something that soothes the soul. I listen to Anonymous 4- The Origin of Fire: Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen.  For inspirational reading or watching, I recommend and the Theosophy Society Both have a lot of free and low-cost online content.

Financial Health

Financial health affects everything else we have mentioned. A lot of the current unknown has to do with finances, so working toward a more secure financial future may look impossible today yet even gathering a plan for when some normalcy resumes can be incredibly helpful. One thing this virus has taught me is to look at what is important and what is just fluff that I thought I couldn’t do without. I learned I didn’t need to eat out so much!

  1. Look seriously at your budget and how much money you really need each month to support what really is important in your life.
  2. Figure out if you have enough savings to help you through if something like this happens again and if not, start a savings plan. If you struggle with a budget, or don’t have any cash to spare, Make it a small amount, maybe 3% after taxes of your weekly income or maybe the price of one Starbucks coffee a week.
  3. Create an “Oh No” fund that you contribute to each week. Same thing applies for the Oh No fund as the savings. Do what you can with what you have.
  4. Make sure your health insurance is sufficient to cover if you get sick. This virus showed even healthy people can get sick.
  5. Decide if you need more education or training to take up on some of the new opportunities that are arising out of the Corona or ones already existing. If so, look for grants or other programs if you need help paying for it. There is more likely to be money available for retraining once we emerge from this, so don’t panic if you don’t see any help now.

With any and all of these suggestions, start small and take little baby steps in order to make changes that can be maintained long term. Taking on too much at once can create struggle and cause judgment or worse, self-sabotage. Maybe choose one area to work on at a time. Also, be sure to get enough rest. We can be better at everything when we are well rested.

Let Go

Most importantly, let go of attempting to foresee and plan the future. Everything is too fluid for even professionals to discern clearly. Instead of trying to figure out what to do when this gets over, focus on how to get the best version of you ready for whatever opportunities Spirit has in mind for you in the new Post Corona world.