Intuition Building Exercises

One of the most common questions I get is “How can I improve my Intuition.” Here are some Intuition Exercises you can do right away to boost your connection!

A few things before you start

  • There is a misconception that you clear the mind of thoughts. When a thought comes around, pretend they are a phone ringing in the distance, perhaps in a neighbor’s house. You can acknowledge someone is calling, but you don’t have to answer.
  • After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleaned and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy.
  • Always drink plenty of water before and after any exercise including intuitive ones.
Intuition exercise Golden Light
Surround yourself with Golden Light

Intuition Exercise 1: Surrounding Yourself with Light

  1. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Ask that all that you do or experience be for the highest and most loving good.
  3. Visualize white, silver, or gold light coming from above (can be from a star, God’s hand, a pitcher, etc.) and flowing over your body.
  4. Allow the light to flow in, through, and around you. Think of yourself as porous and the light as a liquid that flows through you easily, bringing a feeling of love, protection, and peace.
  5. Ask that the light protect you from anything that is not for your highest and most loving good and that it helps you to be open to your intuition, higher self, and Spirit.
  6. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleaned and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy. 
intuitive exercise breathe
Take a deep breath

Intuition Exercise #2: Complete Natural Breathing (Belly Breath)

(please don’t do this if you have asthma issues or any other respiratory issues)

  1. Begin by sitting up straight yet relaxed. Hands should be comfortable in your lap.
  2. As you inhale, first fill the lower section of your lungs. Your diaphragm will push your abdomen outward to make room for the air.
  3. Fill the middle part of your lungs as your lower ribs and chest move forward slightly to accommodate the air. Third, fill the upper part of your lungs as you raise your chest slightly and draw in your abdomen a little to support your lungs. raise your shoulders and collarbone slightly so that the very top of your lungs are sure to be replenished with fresh air These four steps can be performed in one smooth, continuous inhalation, which with practice can be completed in a couple of seconds.
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  5. As you exhale slowly, start to release the breath from the top of the lung, middle chest, and then stomach. When you have fully exhaled, relax your abdomen and chest.
  6. As you exhale slowly, start to release the breath from the top of the lung, middle chest, and then stomach. When you have fully exhaled, relax your abdomen and chest.
  7. As you exhale slowly, start to release the breath from the top of the lung, middle chest, and then stomach. When you have fully exhaled, relax your abdomen and chest.
  8. Repeat three times
  9. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleaned and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy. 
intuition exercise relax

Intuition Exercise #3: Relaxation Exercise

  1. Sit up straight with both feet on the ground. Take three deep belly breaths and continue to breathe deeply and fully, in a comfortable manner.
  2. Feel the muscles in your forehead relax, relax your cheek muscles, relax your muscles jaw and let it hang, and relax the back of your neck. Feel the tension drain down your shoulders, as you release your upper arm muscles allowing them to drop down, relax your lower arms and feel the tension releasing out your fingers. Relax your chest and upper back, as you do this release a sigh with the exhale. Feel the tension draining as you relax the muscles in your lower back and your stomach. Relax your upper thighs, as the tension drains down your legs. Relax the calves, the upper foot, and the soles of your feet. Feel the tension draining out of your feet and into the floor.
  3. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleaned and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy.
Intuition exercise ground

Intuition Exercise #4: Grounding Exercise

  1. Sit up straight with both feet on the floor, and take three deep belly breaths. Continue to breathe slowly and fully.
  2. Now see roots growing out of the soles of your feet, and deep into the earth, taking all the tension and negativity into the earth where it is cleared and cleansed. Let the roots grow deeper and deeper. Feel your whole body becoming more connected to the Earth as the roots grow deeper and deeper. The roots break through into the core of the center of the Earth which is filled with warming spiritual energy. Like going up a straw, feel the earth’s energy rise up the roots, up and up until it enters into the soles of your feet. Bring the warm, soothing energy up your legs, up the trunk of your body, and let it shoot out the top of your head like a volcano. Feel the soothing earth energy run over your whole body.
  3. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleansed and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy.
Intuition Exercise cleanse

Intuition Exercise #5: Clearing Exercise

  1. Sit up straight and take three deep belly breaths.
  2. Ask Spirit to be with you while you are doing this exercise and to take anything that is released and convert it to light, sending it to the highest realm, where it can be used for the highest good. (You can also just ask the recycling angels to take it away)
  3. Visualize golden light coming in the top of your head (Crown Chakra) and having it go down into your stomach and into your lungs swirling around in a clockwise position. Then visualize the golden light expanding throughout your body like you are a balloon.
  4. Expand the golden light past the boundaries of your body to about 8 feet around you.
  5. Hold for a few moments then at your next exhale, release all that is not for your highest and loving good, knowing that Spirit is converting all that you release into light.
  6. Repeat for a total of three breaths of golden light.
  7. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleansed and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy.
Intuition exercise meditation

Intuition Exercise #6: Meditation Exercise

  1. Sit comfortably with your back straight and take three deep belly breaths.
  2. Breath into the count of four
  3. Hold for the count of four
  4. Exhale for the count of four
  5. Hold for the count of four
  6. Repeat the cycle for desired time
  7. After any energetic exercise, always ask that all that is cleared and cleaned and not for your highest and most loving good be sent to the light to be transmuted into loving, healing energy.

Here is a video with a Golden Light Guided Mediation to Increase your Vibration!