Metaphysical Dictionary

A Metaphysical Dictionary explaining terms from multiple spiritual disciplines.

Note: The definitions for this Metaphysical Dictionary are collected from multiple sources. I am not the author of all of them. If you have a word you want to be defined or a definition you like, please feel free to send me an email!

Block or Blockage: A break in the flow of energy or a limitation a person may have due to emotional or mental issues or from an outside influence.

Center or Centered: A person becomes centered when he or she has found a balance between the spiritual, emotional, and mental self so that one aspect does not overpower another. Your Center is (in some beliefs) your Solar Plexus, which is located between the diaphragm and the belly button, or the Heart Center, which is located in the center of the chest area. A Center can also be a place of learning or group gatherings.

Ceremony: (Ritual) A ceremony can be found in all religious and spiritual belief systems. The Ceremony of Communion in Christianity or Pipe Ceremony of the Native Americans are examples of Ceremony. Ceremonies, also called rituals invoke a state of mind that takes a person or group out of the ordinary (rational) mind and brings them to a mental and emotional space where they can better raise their vibration, communicate with Spirit and/or have a mystical experience.

Chakra: A non-physical vortex, which pulls in and processes life energy. There are seven main chakras in the body although the body has many more. The seven include 1. Base or Root, 2. Sacral, 3. Solar Plexus, 4. Heart, 5. Throat, 6. Brow and 7. Crown. There are many different names for the chakras, this is the names from just one system.

Chakras above the Body: There are at least 7 chakras above the body that process higher universal energy. There are many different names for these chakras, depending on the teachings you are following. Working with these chakras can help a person raise their vibration for spiritual and psychic development.

Channel or Channeling: Receiving spontaneously (or requesting) information without editing or personal interpretation. Channeling can be with or without conscious knowledge of what is being said. A person who allows another energy or entity to join with his or her own consciousness and speak through the person. The Channel can be in trance or fully conscious. The form of energy that comes through varies and can include Angels, Spirit Guides, Teachers, and Ascended Masters, etc. One who channels those that have passed on is called a Medium. Channeling is the process of the energy coming through. The person who is hosting the energy (The Channel) is channeling. The Sushumna also referred to as The Channel, is the main vertical path that the energy uses to flow through our body. 

To Charge: (energize) To charge or energize means to fill with energy, light, thought or intention. You can charge a body, crystal, home, etc. Often this is accomplished by focusing intently the feeling, energy, thought, etc into the object so strongly that the object takes on that vibration.

Chi: (Prana) Life force or energy. The universal “breath” that resides in us all.

Clairaudience: “Clear Hearing” – The psychic ability used to hear guidance or information that is not audible to others. Hearing non-physical reality or your inner voice. The higher the energy you are bringing in the kinder and less emotional the ‘voice” will be. If the voice is angry, annoyed or in any way unloving, it is not your Higher Self or higher voice, it is lower energy and the connection should be cut off immediately.

Clairsentience: “Clear Knowing.” – The psychic ability to perceive information through thoughts or knowings. 

Clairvoyance: “Clear Seeing” – The psychic ability used to see pictures and receive guidance or information not viewable to others. Viewing non-physical reality. Sometimes seen as a TV or movie screen. The scene is often symbolic. Some people see in front of their heads, some see the picture behind their eyes.

Clearing: (Cleansing) A purification of the emotions, physical body, mental state, chakras, or outer bodies. When someone is going through a clearing or cleansing. An issue surfaces in order for the person to see it and make the conscious choice to deal with it. 

Contract: Our life plan. We choose what we need to learn and then pick out our parents, our sex, our social and economic condition, the lessons we will work on, etc. to suit our growth process. We make this contract or life plan before we incarnate.

Duality: The concept of Opposites. Everything has an opposite, like a pole. Example: Male and Female, Hot and Cold. Like and Dislike. 

Elements: The components with which the universe is composed. Different cultures have different elements. For example, western elements are most often Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. The Chinese elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth.

Elementals: The caregivers of a particular realm or element such as fire, air, water and earth elementals or Mineral, Flower, Animal and Human Elemental. (Man’s caregivers are the angels.)

Empathy or Empathic: The feeling, experiencing, knowing, and or seeing what the other person is feeling, experiencing, etc. This type of intuitive connection can be unhealthy and so boundaries need to be developed if one is to successfully work with Empathy.

Energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet it can be changed. It can be observed as motion. It can be “at work” as in the case of a river rapid or “potential energy” as in the case of a dammed-up lake. In science, it is the ability to do work. It is often referred to as some quality that is being emitted from an object like this rock that has soothing energy or that man has negative energy. In this case, it is like “vibration”.

Enlightenment: Being in oneness with or what is seen as a higher power or higher mind and all creation. It can also represent a deep understanding of the working of nature or “the big picture” or a feeling of bliss, which may happen in meditation or a powerful experience in nature. Enlightenment is usually accompanied by feelings of union with the divine and everything manifested and unmanifested.

Esoteric: It is the knowledge gained through psychic or mystic experience or knowledge often not provable by science or the 5 senses.

Ether: A substance believed to support the earth and all inhabitants. The substance that is between the molecules and atoms, the glue of the universe. The Ethers also refers to that which is heavenly or unseen.

Evolution: Seen as an upward progression toward The Oneness. Evolution is the opposite of involution. Once we have incarnated (come down from Spirit) which requires a slowing of our vibration (Involution), we then begin the opposite process of raising or quickening our vibration so that we can rejoin Spirit (Evolution). Some see evolution as a one-time process; others who believe in reincarnation see this as an ongoing process from lifetime to lifetime. Theosophists believe that you start your evolution in the form of a mineral and at that time you have a group soul. You continue your evolution as a part of a group soul through incarnations as a plant and then an animal. Once your stage in evolution grows to incarnate as a human, your soul becomes separated from the group and is considered an individual soul. You then continue your evolution as you incarnate as Angel Man and then you would reunite with Spirit without the need to reincarnate. Some, known as Masters, Ascended Masters and in the Buddhist tradition, Bodhisattvas, incarnate or help out those that incarnate even though their individual soul has evolved enough that they can meld back with Spirit.

Free Will: The freedom you have, as a human, to make decisions for yourself. You have the power of choice and bear the responsibility for those choices.

Full Spectrum Lights: Lights that offer you almost the same spectrum of light as natural sunlight. Made for those that have SADD and one’s that don’t get outside in the daylight or who just want healthier inner environments.

Golden Vortex: The Golden Vortex refers to a vortex of golden light used to raise a person’s vibration and prepare the channel to bring in a higher vibrational entity to gain messages or wisdom. The Golden Vortex is created through meditation.

Greatest Good (for all those concerned): This phrase is used when you are praying, wishing, intending, or visualizing what you want to come about. It is very important, as you don’t always know what is best in the big picture. For example, you might wish for a million dollars and your spouse passes away leaving you with the million from the life insurance policy. This is why you should also ask for the greatest good for all those concerned!

Grounded: (Groundedness) A person is grounded or has groundedness when he or she is balanced and centered. It is the ability to live fully in the daily world, pay bills, and be productive, while also working on spiritual growth. Grounded can also be bringing spiritual truths down into practical, daily existence.

Hermetic Philosophy: The teachings, handed down through generations from Hermes Trismegistus, on the seven Universal Laws in which a person can transmute lower vibrational frequencies to higher vibrational frequencies. Also known as Alchemy.

Higher Self: It manifests on a mid-level plane of existence as it acts as a contact or intermediary for the soul and the universal all. It has a higher consciousness than the personality and soul and usually is a source of wisdom in times of need. Some see it as the Higher Mind.

Holistic: The concept that whatever affects the smallest part of an organism affects the whole organism, be it a person, a state, or a universe. The Holistic Health industry works on that premise in that you treat the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spiritually, giving you a whole healing that is more complete and longer lasting.

Incarnation: The process of taking on a physical form, birth. It is considered a particular lifetime.

Imagination: The mental power used to form images of unreal or absent objects. Such power is often used creatively.

Insight: The ability to perceive the true or hidden nature of things.

Intent: The determined and focused direction of will to a particular purpose.

Intuition: A knowing that comes from inside oneself or from one’s Higher Self or guides, not from learning. Often referred to as a gut feeling. It is the capacity of knowing with out using a rational process.

Involution: The descent of Spirit (or Soul) into the physical body or realm. This is the opposite of evolution.

Karma: A strict impersonal law of Cause and Effect in order to keep you in balance with the Universal Flow. Karma is not a judgment. It is not good or bad; it is simply the equalization of energy in the form of cause and effect. Thoughts as well as actions cause Karma. One doesn’t always see the effect from the cause in the same lifetime, although it seems that the cause and effect are speeding up.

Karmic Relationship: (Soul Mate) A karmic Relationship is a further example of Karma. Sometimes there is unfinished business between two souls. There is usually history from past lifetimes. This doesn’t have to be a troubled relationship as we remember that Karma is not good or bad. There is usually a familiarity with karmic relationships, a sense of knowing the person before.

Light: The Light is often seen as the presence of God or Spirit. Light, when sent toward something or you are surrounded by it, refers to working with the highest level of energy, that of Spirit or God energy. It is seen as the highest of all vibrations. Light is often worked in conjunction with color.

Light Worker: It is one who uses their connection to Spirit and spiritual maturity to raise their vibration and thereby raise the vibration of all those around them (not just people). They use mindfulness and intention to vibrate at the highest level possible for them and to not increase the amount of suffering in the world. 

Manifest: To make happen or bring forth into creation a thought, concept or physical form. Often manifestation starts with inspiration then visualization and finally with action.

Mantra: A sound, word, or phrase that is repeated over and over again to invoke the vibration or energy represented by the sound, into the environment, our body, or mind. Often a mantra is given to help in relaxing and to calm the mind for meditation. 

Meditation: The practice of deep concentration and contemplation. Meditation is often prescribed for those wishing to relax the mind, have better focus, reduce pain, decrease blood pressure, increase mindfulness, etc. Meditation is also used for deep contemplating and connection to Spirit. It assists one to leave the physical body and restrictions of the mind and physical world behind.

Mediumship: The communication with those that have passed on.

Metaphysician: One who has studied the nature of life beyond the physical plane.

Metaphysics: The study of that which is beyond science, acknowledging what we cannot see with our eyes, yet on some level know exists. Metaphysics makes use of philosophy, scientific method and intuition to gain an understanding of the laws of the universe.

Mindfulness: The process of becoming Mindful. When mindful, you start to see the way life affects you allowing for conscious action. Mindfulness is being aware of your surroundings and how you fit into the whole picture.

Mirror: The concept that watching your reaction to another’s behavior can provide insight into your own behavior. People will be a mirror to you when they act in a way that is similar to your traits you may be unconscious of. When another person’s behavior irritates you, it clues you in that this person might be a mirror for you. 

Mystic: A person who has achieved an unusually high level of spiritual knowledge, usually gained through direct communication or union with God. A psychic is not necessarily a mystic, but a mystic is most often psychic.

Mystical Experience: The direct experience of God. Transcending the material world to gain an understanding of the eternal. It is a religious or spiritual event that shifts your life’s focus forever. Often the participant cannot verbalize the experience as it is beyond words of this world.

Near Death Experience: Most often, this is an experience when someone dies medically but returns to life. Although there are differences in the experiences, the similarities are striking. Often the person speaks of “seeing a light” or being brought “into the light”. This is usually accompanied by an unexplainable (no words for it) sense of peace, love, and acceptance. Sometimes one experiences a Life Review, which replays life experiences not only from the person’s viewpoint but also from how others experienced those times. The person usually comes back to life retaining some of that sense of peace as well as a renewed (or first-time) spirituality with the understanding that death is a transition, not an ending. One does not need to have a medical death in order to have an NDE. The most telling attributes are a light experience, a feeling of overwhelming love, and returning with a strong desire to change the way the person lives their life to reflect the lessons learned during the experience.

Non-Judgment: To see another’s actions, thoughts or experiences (or one’s own) with total acceptance. Usually, non-judgment comes from a deeper understanding that there is a bigger purpose for things as well as understanding karma as cause and effect. 

Outer Body or Outer Bodies: Seven non-physical, energetic vibrations that surround the physical body. Each body corresponds to a specific Chakra and is instrumental in healing and spiritual growth. Names often differ between teachers. 1. Etheric, 2. Emotional, 3. Lower Mental, 4. Higher Mental, 5. Lower Intuitive, 6. Higher Intuitive, 7. Transcendent.

Past Life: (Past life memory) The fact or memory of having lived before. 

Past Life Connection: A deep feeling of connection with someone else that does not stem from this present lifetime. One assumes (or through intuition or regression) that there was a past life where both parties knew each other.

Poverty Consciousness: The frame of mind of those that dwell on how little material wealth they have and assume that it will stay that way. By dwelling on lack, one creates lack.

Processing: When a person raises their vibration (evolution) it requires lower vibrations to leave the energetic system and physical body. This “processing” can result in feeling sick, tired, or out of sorts.

Psychometry: The sensing of psychic information through holding or touching an object.

Reincarnation: The idea that we have lived before this lifetime and are reborn again into the present and ultimately into the future until our soul has learned all that it needs to learn. It is seen as a process of evolution. Some cultures feel that one can reincarnate as an animal or human or even a stone or plant. Others feel that once you have evolved into a human you will always incarnate as a human.

Release: The process of letting go of an old pattern, belief or addiction. A person is going through a release when he or she chooses to let go of what may limit a fully lived life. Often this involves re-experiencing what is being released and through mindfulness, while not allowing the old pattern to kick in.

Shape Shifting: Through the use of meditation, one can experience the energy of vibration of whatever one chooses to shapeshift into. Elements are the most common shapeshifting experience.

Simultaneous Realities: The concept that there are multiple levels of Time/realities going on at once. In other words, all past, present and future times are running concurrently (on top of each other). 

Soul Group: Spirit breaks down into smaller parts. A large cluster of Spirit breaks down into individual Souls. These Souls that come from the larger cluster are considered a Soul Group. It seems that they help each other out on a Soul Level, even though they don’t necessarily incarnate together.

Soul Mate: This is an overused and over-romanticized expression. A Soul Mate is not necessarily the perfect lover. It can represent a parent, child, friend, teacher, etc. The relationship is not always positive. If you think of all the “mates” you have had in this lifetime (good and bad) and multiply it by how many lifetimes you have had, that gives you an idea of how many soul mates are out there. Often a Soul Mate will feel familiar and you will experience the vibration that you had together in the last lifetime which may have no reality (good or bad) with who or what vibration they represent in this lifetime.

Spirit: (spirit) Written with a Capital S, it represents the Creator or God. The Source. Written with a small s, then it represents that part of Spirit that resides in us (often seen as the Soul), or someone who has passed on yet is still in communication with the living.

Spiritual Growth: The step-by-step process of learning to live a more altruistic and spiritual life, while putting the knowledge learned into action. When you can do both, you have experienced spiritual growth. Mindfulness and meditation play a large role in Spiritual Growth.

Synchronicity: (Jungian) a meaningful coincidence. This is used when we start to see in life the interconnectedness of events in our life. We discover that there are no coincidences just synchronicities.

Tarot Cards: A deck of 78 cards used for divination and spiritual growth. The cards contain archetypal symbols that work with our unconscious and stimulate our intuition resulting in a higher source of guidance and understanding.

Telepathy: The Mental receiving and/or sending of information from one being to another.

Third Dimension: The physical world and all that we can see and know through our five senses. Our everyday world is considered Third Dimensional.

Transformation: Transformation is a change of energy or vibration to another level (Hopefully higher level) in which the same person (place, thing) vibrates at a different level. Often this expression is used when a person goes through a change for the better (similar to evolution) that represents personal or Soul growth.

Transition: This usually represents passing over or dying. One can also be in transition if their life has changed enough that it represents the death of the old life and the coming into a new way of being.

Twin Flame: This is considered to be what most people think of as a soul mate or complementary opposite. When we incarnate the first time (theosophy) we split into masculine and feminine energy, which has nothing to do with the literal sex of the incarnation. The opposite of your soul (like the yin/yang) is considered your twin flame. This doesn’t insure a wonderful relationship, but most definitely a relationship that causes growth of each Soul. Twin flames do not always incarnate together.

Universal Laws: Originating from Hermetic Philosophy, there are 7 Universal Laws or Principles that all matter must obey. 1. Mentalism, 2. Correspondence, 3. Vibration, 4. Polarity, 5. Rhythm. 6. Cause and Effect, 7. Gender. By understanding these Laws, you can shift your energy and influence your surroundings.

Universe: (The Universe) This is often used as another word for God or Spirit. 

Vibration: This is a word used to describe the energy that a person, place, etc. emits. Your vibration is affected by emotions, thoughts, surrounding, etc., and is rarely consistent or stable. When one has achieved a high level of spiritual advancement and mindfulness, one’s vibration tends to be more consistent and of a higher vibratory level. The higher the vibration the closer you are able to be an emulation of Spirit. This is not necessarily the goal for everyday living, as one needs to take care of one’s third-dimensional needs as well as one’s spiritual needs. Mindfulness, balance, and stability of vibration are important goals in spiritual growth. 

Visions: A visual experience of an event or situation that is about to happen, has already happened or is happening. Some visions are literal, and some are symbolic. It is a form of Clairvoyance.

Yang: The masculine aspect or principle of the universe or of energy. 

Yin: The Feminine aspect or principle of the universe or of energy. 

Yin/Yang Symbol: A symbol representing the balance of the universe and the interconnectedness between the masculine (white) and feminine (black) principles.

Note: *These Metaphysical Dictionary definitions are collected from multiple sources. If you have a word you want to be defined or a definition you like, please feel free to contact me below!