Using Lightwork

Lightwork is using light and color in meditation or visualization to shift energy. Using Light Work has tangible effects. The vibration associated with the color of the light you use will influence the vibration of where you see or intend the light to go. You can use lightwork to clear a space or your physical body.

You may feel like you are pretending, yet just as sounds have vibrations, so do colors. Introducing a color of a higher vibration will shift the energy in a space or a person. This is especially true when the color is combined with intention.

Using the information learned about the associations of the Chakras and outer bodies can be a powerful addition to any Light Work. (see Section on Energy in Resources) If you know the issue you are dealing with — physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual —you can find the corresponding Chakra or Outer Body that works with that issue. For example, say you are working on social anxiety. You can work with the Sacral Chakra, associated with the color orange and in charge of the sex and sociability. Using the color orange along with the intention of bringing a healthy relationship and interaction with others will be more powerful than simply using the color.

            Light Work is effective for many of the same reasons that affirmations work. Light, via color, has a vibration similar to sound or thought. The vibration affects all it comes in contact with. Often you will find hospital walls with a tinge of blue or green instead of the stark white of forty years ago as these pale colors have been discovered to be soothing. When my sister was picking out colors for the boys’ bedroom, I advised her to stay away from deep red, as it is the color of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra will bring vitality and energy into the room, not what you want for a sleep environment.

The effect of colors on energy also explains why using golden light in the Golden Vessel Spread can be so effective. Golden light is filled with the vibration of the Golden Chakra, whose energy is unconditional love. Adding Unconditional Love to any space is like saying to someone, “I am not judging you; I love you no matter what.” You are not saying that you condone or will live with whatever that person does, but rather, it’s saying that it doesn’t change that you still care about them. You can love someone and know you cannot stay with him or her. I recommend using the Golden Light Meditation, you will learn next, in the home of people going through a divorce, because often all that angry energy stays in the home. Even if the separation has already taken place, the person who retains the house often stays angry whereas the person who has left the home is able to move on. The leftover energy in the house prolongs the anger. By clearing the energy of the home with the Golden Light Meditation, it says to both parties, it is okay to let go of the anger and move on. You can both be loved, separately. Prospective buyers can pick up on the leftover discordant energy even if the house is beautiful and well-priced. Anytime you sell a home, it is wise to do the Golden Light Meditation, even if your home has wonderful energy. It will help the buyers to imagine their energy in the home.

            The best bet to ensure you are being as ethical as possible is to always ask that any Light Work you do be for the highest and most loving good of all those concerned as well as intending anything that is unwanted be used instead as healing energy for the situation. Don’t forget to ask the Recycling Angels to come and clean up, or intend that what is cleansed and cleared be sent to the light. Otherwise, what is cleared from you and the space will build up like an overflowing garbage can.

Golden Light

The Golden Chakra is the first Chakra above the Crown Chakra and the vibration is considerably faster and higher. Golden light is often found in the Crown Chakra because of this closeness. The Golden Chakra is the Chakra of Spirit’s unconditional love for you and assists you in passing that unconditional love on to others. You don’t need to follow a particular faith to imagine that there is a great loving energy available to us all.

The Golden Chakra is your direct connection to that loving energy. The golden light from this Chakra can be warming and feels exceptionally loving and safe. You can actually use the Golden Light Meditation when you are cold. Using golden light from the Golden Chakra can also help you to purify your intent. You might be tempted to send energy of a particular color to someone, but you may not know what is best for him or her. Asking that golden light be sent to someone is safer. Golden light is Unconditional Love, so it is helpful for bringing a person back into balance and into a place of feeling loved. Yet, it is always best to ask the person’s guide to send the golden light instead of you sending it.

Golden light is protective and a common choice for setting up an aura of protection around you when doing spiritual work. You cannot overdose on golden light, which is one reason why the Golden Light Meditation is the first Light Meditation given to those who want to learn how to channel.

The Golden Light Meditation

  1. Take three deep breaths, and with each exhale, feel your shoulders relax.
  2. Return to breathing normally.
  3. Imagine a source of golden light above you. It can be a star, a pitcher of light, or even an angel’s hand.
  4. Know that golden light holds the protective energy of Unconditional Love.
  5. Place your awareness on the top of your head.
  6. Imagine that the loving and protective golden light is flowing down from above and entering into the top of your head.
  7. Visualize your entire head filling up with the golden light.
  8. Imagine your body is like a balloon, empty and ready to be filled.
  9. Let the golden light continue to flow from above, through your neck and then into your chest. The loving golden light is filling you up like a beautiful golden balloon.
  10. Allow the golden light continue, filling your belly, hips, and bottom, traveling down through your legs, and filling up your toes.
  11. Allow the golden light to continue to come in the top of your head. When you feel that you are so filled with golden light that you are about to burst, let it flow out through your pores and your physical body.
  12. Let the loving golden light flow out of your physical body and imagine it forming a circle of protective and loving light around you.
  13. Ensure that the golden light fills your circle equally above, behind, in front of, and below you.
  14. Focus on the light entering with each inhale and expand your circle of light during the exhale, if it is easier,
  15. Imagine your circle of golden light is as full, bright, and loving as it can be.
  16. Intend the flow of golden light to stop flowing into the top of your head.
  17.  Allow yourself the luxury of simply sitting in the golden energy of Unconditional Love for as long as you wish.
  18. Imagine the golden light dissipating.
  19. Ask the Recycling Angels to clear up anything that is cleared and cleansed during this meditation. Or, you can ask that all that is cleansed and cleared be sent back to the light and returned as healing energies.