Emotion = Energy in Motion: Tips for self-care during emotional times.

Note: This post was written in 2020 yet its tips for self-care are still relevant today.

Self-Care is key every fall as we begin to lose sunlight yet it is even more important during such a divisive election year. We are all experiencing some level of emotions right now. They may be joy, sadness, overwhelmed, hope, confusion, or any other of a million emotions.

Yet, remember, emotion is energy in motion. Emotion, and its accompanying energy, is often asking you to take action or at least acknowledge what is going on. So, before you breathe it away, there are some steps you can take in the name of Self-Care.

Tips for Self Care

  • First, take a moment to ask your emotion if there is some action it is asking you to take.
    • Ask yourself,
      • Is there anything I can start doing to help myself feel better?
        • Is there an action I can take that would help in the short term so I can process this emotion better? In other words, is lying in bed scrolling Facebook or getting up and taking a shower the better action for me?
      • Is there anything I can stop doing to help myself feel better?
        • Are my actions giving me short-term benefits rather than long-term solutions? In other words, is responding to that Facebook post the best long-term solution? Or, is Ben and Jerry the answer or part of the problem?
    • If you get an answer to stop or start something, take action.
    • If your answer is that no action is required or able to be taken at this time, then go to step 2, self-care.
  • Second, evaluate what self-care you may be needing.
    • Check your breathing: Breath can truly relieve stress. Most tend to breathe shallower when under pressure and this is the time when you need more oxygen in your system. I won’t go into all the reasons oxygen helps you, you can google it. A sure way to honor your emotions without getting stuck in them is to do some deep breathing. Your breath will move that energy along.
      • A deep breathing exercise can be as simple as…. Well… breathing deep! Try filling your lungs as full as you can and then push your shoulders back and take a smidge more air in. Now slowly release your breath. Try it again!
    • Check your body: Are you holding tension in your body? It’s easy to do without even knowing.
      • Take a moment to tense and relax each part of your body starting from your scalp down to your toes. Whew… that’s better!
    • Check your Mind: Are you currently living in the past, present or future. You can’t change the past and the future isn’t here yet, so stay in the present.
      • Looking at a candle flame and watching the wax burn can be a great “staying in the moment” meditation. You may not be able to do it for long, so start with a one-minute timer and try to work yourself up to 3 minutes. Each time you wander, gently bring yourself back to watching the candle burn the wax.

Everyone is Different

There are tons of tips for self-care on the internet and probably on your favorite writers’ blogs. Not all tips will work for you. Take some time to first see if your emotion is asking for some action and if so, do it. If not, then practice self-care in a way that works best for you! Regardless, breath is important, so if you remember nothing else, please, remember to breathe!