The Waking Dream – as within so without

The waking dream was originally published in 2020, yet the wisdom and tools still work today.

Lately, are you thinking, This is just too much for me, I don’t know what to do! or I don’t know how to process this much energy! You are not alone. So much is going on in the world that we cannot control and many of us, Empath or not, are suffering emotional overload.

The Dreaded Facebook Feed

Many have told me, it’s the Facebook feed filled with all the division. For you, it may be the coronavirus, social inequality protests, or maybe the murder wasps that were the final straw.

You may have heard the saying As above so below, as within so without. This means if your inner world is being affected by what is going on in the outer world, then what is going on in your inner world will in turn affect your outer world. It makes sense that any effort to heal and calm your inner world can be equally effective as it radiates healing to the outer world.

You can facilitate this inner shift through a process referred to as The Waking Dream. I can’t take credit for the term, my friend Cheryl Bernath recently used it and I glommed onto it. The waking dream is a technique where you analyze a small part of your day, or what is going on in the world, as if it were a dream. This process of analysis leads you to questions which then spur inner work.

The Waking Dream Part 1:

A current example of a Waking Dream could be watching the evening news and seeing the coronavirus coverage, death count and warnings. To see what this outer message could be telling your inner self, first, write out your experience of watching TV as if it is a dream. Then look for symbols and keywords that stand out. Second, look at the symbols and keywords. Ask yourself, how might these be a reflection of my life? What are they showing me I need to explore?

The Waking Dream Part 2

Just like if this were a nighttime dream, your reflection leads to specific steps you can take in your life that mirror the messages of the dream.

The Waking Dream Part 3

As you make the recommended changes in your inner life, you accept your newfound insights and healing inwardly. You then in turn radiate the healing outwardly. Your inward healing organically manifests a positive change in the world around you. As above so below, as within so without.