Have Faith in Something

Quite a few years back, my Mother gave us all a little pamphlet with her words of wisdom. She called it Tips from Mother for a Healthy Beautiful Life. She had categories like Body, Face and Hands. Mother’s wisdom was mostly practical things like “Use Moisturizer Every Day” and “Limit Fat.” She went on to say “fat is butter, chocolate, cream cheese and all things good!” But the gem, the true gem was under the category of Spirit, she said “Have Faith in something.”

Why is Love Blind?

Ever wonder why you didn’t see that relationship nightmare coming? Wish you had a super power that allowed you to see someone clearly on the first date? Looking back, now you can see all the warning signs were there…. but why couldn’t you see them that first date… or the second or third?

Don’t beat yourself up… you can blame your Chakras. Yes, those seven energy vortexes in your Energetic System that process incoming energy.