2024 – The Year we find Balance

What energies will you experience in 2024?

The energies of 2024 are about finding balance and strength both physically and spiritually. It will be your choice on how you use these opportunities. You may ask for help, say no, say yes, take care of your body or maybe start a spiritual practice.

2024 is an Eight year

How do we come up with Balance for 2024? Numerologically, 2+0+2+4=8. Eight is a powerful symbolic number. Eight corresponds to the Strength Card in most Tarot Decks. Eight is an auspicious number for multiple Asian cultures. The actual number 8 is the Lemniscate or infinity symbol standing up. So, what does all this mean for our 2024 and why does it call for Balance?

Eight in Asian Cultures

Eight is the luckiest number in Chinese culture because the pronunciation sounds similar to the word which means to make fortune. This energy can create a pull toward creating more abundance and fortune as the number 8 is associated with wealth, prosperity, success and status. Yet, two eights side by side also resemble the characters for double joy, pulling you toward joyful activities. This dual meaning is a reminder to balance abundance and joy. Often fortune is seen as money, yet think of the word fortunate. One can be full of fortune when they are full of joy as well as success. 2024 calls for the need to balance your search for an abundance of finance and success with your search for joy. To have financial abundance without joy can leave you feeling incomplete or empty.

Eight as a Lemniscate

The lemniscate represents infinite. The infinite cycle of death and rebirth. This reminds you this body is simply the “meat” you inhabit during this lifetime and your Soul is really in control of the mission.

Eight in Tarot

The Strength Card in Tarot often depicts a woman controlling a lion with the lemniscate or infinity symbol repeated. This card represents balancing between your physical and spiritual needs.

The Woman and the Lion

The woman in the Strength card represents your Soul or Higher Self. She is working in tandem with the Lion, signifying you working with your animal nature and physical body. The Soul is in control as seen as the lion having its tale between its legs in a show of submissiveness. It’s wise for your human nature to submit to your higher guidance. When human nature is the guide, the tendency is to focus on the accumulation of things rather than wisdom. Yet it is imperative to care for both your physical and spiritual needs equally and this is reinforced in the lemniscate reminding you that you are more than your body, you are a soul in a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. So that your Soul can be fully active and present you want to take care of your body as best possible. Sometimes you will see the flowers wrapped around the woman and lion in the shape of the lemniscate to accentuate the cyclical relationship between body and soul and the call to create balance between the physical and spiritual.

Balance between Physical and Spiritual Life

Your Soul yearns for a balanced life. Balance is accomplished by providing what your body needs (think of a car needing gas and regular maintenance) while fulfilling your Soul’s need for a spiritually rewarding life. Paul Foster Case teaches when you learn to balance (Strength) your personal will (Magician) with Divine Will, you are less likely to fall into the trap of materialism and delusion (Devil). Because of this, it will be important to avoid over-focusing on accumulation and make sure you are seeing clearly. Yet, 2024 is also the year you will clearly see what your physical and spiritual needs are, what is keeping you from them, and find opportunities to improve on balance and strength.

“But it will take more time to teach someone than to do it myself!”

We have all either said that or heard someone else! And it may be true, once or twice while you are teaching the person to help you, yet once they learn it… you will have more time to do other things that are a better use of your time. It’s all about Balance. Yet the difficult part of balance is that it sometimes calls for you to make choices that can take you out of balance in the short term, like taking the time to train someone, to bring you into balance for the long run.

Making Change is Tough

Although everyone knows you can’t fill a cup from an empty teapot, making that tea is easier said than done. You have to fill the pot (down time, sleep, good eating) let the pot boil (make difficult decisions), and then wait for the tea to steep (things can be happening even if you don’t look busy.) Running around on autopilot, rushing to accomplish the next thing on your list just won’t work in 2024. Yet, having people help can feel like it takes too much time or requires letting go of the fact that no one can do it as well as you can. Or maybe you are the person who can’t say no and doesn’t want to let anyone down or even cause disappointment. Coming into balance may seem impossible for you.

Tips on Finding Balance and Strength

It soon becomes clear you can’t do all you need for yourself while being everything to everyone else. One trick I teach people who hate to disappoint others is if someone asks you to do something that you know will take you out of balance, say “No, I can’t do that… but I can do this” Let them know what you can do even if it doesn’t fulfill the whole request. “No, I can’t take you to the doctor, wait with you, and then take you shopping. But I can drop you off, shop while you are at the doctor, and then pick you up.” Well, you get the idea. Say “No, but…” Then slowly start to say No more as your “needy person” gets used to you doing so.

Another way to come into balance is to say yes to help. At first, it may take longer to teach someone how you do the database entry for your small business than to do the entry yourself, yet eventually, you will not need to be involved in that part of your business. Yes, they may make mistakes that take a bit to fix until they learn, but that is a short-term problem to a long-term solution.

Spiritual Strength is found in Balance

Krishnamurti tells spiritual aspirants to not add more to their list as it will be harder to do Spirit’s work. It sounds counter-intuitive and this is not a call to be irresponsible. My guides told me a long time ago (before memes did) that allowing yourself the downtime needed to take care of yourself is essential, not selfish. You will be a better lover, mother, daughter, brother, coworker, or business owner if you take the time to refill the teapot. Learning to say “No I can’t help today” or “Yes you can me with this” is the sign of a spiritually balanced and strong individual.

Balance in 2024

What balance looks like in your life will be up to you. It may be reading a short spiritual passage each morning when you wake up, saying no when necessary, or doing that walk around the block. Everyone has different needs and this. Yet knowing 2024 is an Eight year, you can assume you will see some themes in both your personal life and in the world in general.

Balance in 2024 for You

So how may this theme of finding balance and strength play out in 2024 for you? Here are just a few, yet you can see the theme and apply it to your life more specifically.

  • Situations arise that ask you to choose balance. Maybe you are presented the opportunity to teach someone who can help you in a way that gives you more time for other endeavors and you need to let go of control or take extra time to allow that. Yet in the long run, it will help you have more balance in your life.
  • You fall totally out of balance and have to look at what needs to stop or start to bring you back into balance.
  • People around you are out of balance and you are given the choice to help them, help them get help, or let them fall so they finally get the help they need. No matter the choice, it will require you to consider the theme of long-term balance.
  • You choose to start a new routine that brings balance into your life, be it spiritual or physical.
  • You receive an opportunity you want and so need to figure out how to balance it with the rest of your responsibilities. 
  • You become acutely aware of your stability or lack thereof. You make more time for what you enjoy and less time for situations that distract you or take you out of balance.

Balance in 2024 World Wide

So how may this theme of finding balance and strength play out in 2024 in the world? These are generalizations, yet are how the world may react to the 2024 energies.

  • Things are likely to get worse before they get better, yet they will get better. Think of a pendulum where it swings high on both sides until it starts to slow down and come into a gentle swing.
  • Spiritual/religious groups may struggle financially and you may see some spiritual groups need to come to grips with their physical needs. There may be some scandals around money or sexuality.
  • Political groups may introduce more spiritual language into their vocabulary or actions or have a scandal about sex, money, etc.
  • There may be a greater intermixing of religion and state.
  • Spiritual/religious groups may come into power.
  • There could be some intense volcano or earthquake activity as the earth re-balances.
  • Financial institutions may have larger highs and lows until balance is achieved.
  • Although inequality could get worse before better, the major powers could come together to balance out inequity.
  • Communities may be forced to acknowledge a lack of balance and inequity through situations of extreme imbalance but then do what is needed to start moving into a more inclusive and beneficial situation for all.


The energies of 2024 are about finding balance and strength both physically and spiritually. Yes, claiming your balance can be hard, time-consuming, and disappointing to those around you who have asked you for more than their share yet once accomplished you will be able to attract more of what brings you joy and abundance, while increasing your physical and spiritual well-being! Remember, when faced with a choice or decision, ask yourself, “Does this bring me into or out of balance in the long term.” As a bonus, choosing balance will allow you to claim all the Good Luck and New Beginnings the Universe has in store for us in 2026!

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