What Aura colors really tell you!

It is fun to have an aura picture taken, yet what do those aura colors really tell you?

aura meditating

Auras offer more than just colors:

When I draw your aura, I am looking at your entire energetic system. In an aura, you can find your emotional, mental, and spiritual evolution and well-being along with past lives and guides!

Your aura doesn’t stay the same:

We know how our emotions can change from minute to minute, so does your aura!

We don’t have just one aura color:

There will often be a primary color that’s a reflection of where we are evolutionarily and our focus this lifetime. This color can change as we evolve and our life focus changes. Someone who starts with a focus on healing and shifts to combining or introducing a focus on intuitive information may see his or her predominant aura color go from green to blue.

The most common way to interpret aura colors is by using the chakra system.

This gives us the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo and violet and matches up with the energy of each corresponding chakra. Learning the Chakras will help you when you are learning about Auras. Edgar Cayce’s readings added explanations of subtle and not-so-subtle shades including black, coral, pink and others.

Negative expressions:

Each color can have a negative expression, sometimes this is seen by a muddying of off-color or just an odd feeling when sensing the color. It can be thought of as a misuse of the aspects associated with the color. For example, a blue negative quality can be spiritual pride. Puns or wordplay: Think of puns like “green with jealousy,” “feeling blue,” “golden boy,” or “gray area.”

Personal Associations:

When someone is reading your aura,  the colors can reflect his or her personal feelings and associations about the colors, especially when using an inner vision. Kirilian Photography tends to use more traditional color definitions.

Supporting with Crystals:

You can support your aura and its corresponding chakra by keeping near or wearing a crystal of the same color! A Crystal will hold the pure vibration of its color and then radiate that vibration out to your entire energy field. Click here to find out more about Crystals and their properties.

Aura Color Reference

Here is a quick reference sheet for the different colors. Some come from me, Cayce, or the authors (Todechi & Liaros) of Auras and Colors. This is in no way a complete list.

BLACK: black absorbs all light and so it often creates a “nothing to see here” or “I don’t want your energy to come to me” attitude. Yet some people tell me, they just like the way black looks slimming or matches anything, so like with any color it is important to not pigeonhole a person for wearing a particular color. Black can show fear, death, the unknown, unconsciousness, negativity or depression.

aura psychic

BLUE: blue has many shades: we will look at light sky blue, basic blue, and dark indigo blue.

  • SKY BLUE: think creativity, speaking truth and the beginning of psychic ability.
  • BLUE: spirituality, seeker, intuition, Clair…., confidence, sincerity, inspiration, patience, artistic ability, trustworthiness, reliance, harmony. The more blur the longer or deeper the spiritual search.
  • DARK INDIGO BLUE: deep searcher, very intuitive, moving toward Christ consciousness. Ability to mentor others

BROWN: these are the earthy people, yet watch out for when it feels muddy, then it could be someone stuck in the mud. Usually hard working and grounded. Strong work ethic, could be materialistic. Brown can be tricked because it can be a sign of negative aspects if mixed with or overlaying another color.

CORAL: that which is beautiful yet could be dangerous, talents or abilities not yet developed.

GOLD: highly spiritual, shows a connection to divine spiritual attainment. I often see gold at the crown if the person has a strong connection to their higher self or if they are a strong meditator or channel.

GRAY: can be a sign of sickness, especially if either all over or in a particular spot, and can be depression, moodiness, or confusion or deceit. Often you will see a two-inch area of gray when first looking at auras with open eyes. That is the either if body and not an “aura color”

Cindys ARE Aura (1)

GREEN: the color of the healer and nature lover. Growth, creativity, versatility, helpful, thoughtful, individualistic, adaptable, altruistic, generous, loving to others, heart-centered. If dull or murky could be green with jealousy.

ORANGE: sex and sociability, this person is outgoing, able to get along with others, friendly, sexual, creative, sun power, energetic, healthy, motivator, destined to be in power, emotional.

PURPLE: spiritual focus and channeling, high vibrations, past life royalty, loyalty, wisdom, self-mastery. It is said by authors of Aura & Colors that violet is rarely seen in the aura but can represent the spiritual initiate or adept.

aura teaching

YELLOW: thoughts, ideas, teacher, thinking, power, will, ego, empowered, the mind, confidence, intelligence, optimism, can get things done even spiritually, able to help others let go of fear and worry.

RED: grounded, passion, vigor, pain, anger, physical focus, courage, strong-willed, can also be a sign of danger.

PINK: influence of love or affection, healthy, youthful, immature,

Dave white aura 1

WHITE: considered a color of purity, innocence, and a balance of all the colors, selfless service, and holiness.

Want to learn how to read the Aura yourself? Click here for my On Demand class on Seeing the Aura with your Inner Eye

Want to know your Aura Colors and what is in Your Aura? A Soul Energy Map from Cindy! For more info, click here!

Soul Energy Map for class without price