Being of Service with Mindfulness

heavy thinking womanSpiritual teachings often suggest you find a way to be of service. Yet finding the time to volunteer or donate money is often not practical. So how can we be of service without costing time or money? Here is one way. Become mindful of your vibration, your energy, your mood and where you are focused.

What’s my Energy?

When you are mindful of your own energy, you can choose what energy you share with Art photo of golden woman splintering to thousands elementsyour community. We naturally emit our vibrations and share them with whoever we come in contact with. When we are as mindful of our energy as we are mindful of what we say, we can choose to keep that energy positive. We will then begin to become a positive influence to others in our society. This is one way we can be of service in our community.

Being Mindful of your vibration, energy, mood, and focus is a way to be of service without costing anything but attention.

Magnet with angry faceThis is not to say that we can, or should try to, be positive all the time, yet by being mindful of our energy, moods and where our attention is focused, we become in control of our vibration and how we are affecting others around us. It is more important to be in integrity with how we are feeling than to be positive. It is as important to be aware of our thoughts, focus and energy as it is to be aware of our words.

Being in Integrity

When our outer self is in integrity with our inner self, we emit cohesive energy that is easy to read and know how to react to. We don’t create confusion in our outer world when we are true to our inner world. If we are in a bad place we can honor that and decide if this is the best day to go out to a crowded place or if is it better to connect one-on-one with a friend or stay home and practice some self-care. If we ignore or worse try to “fake it,” we send mixed messages, confuse those around us, and don’t allow others to help us.

Even our focus can bring down our vibration and affect others. When we are focused on what is going wrong or how bad life is, our vibration is lowered. Gratitude is a great way to raise our vibration and help switch our focus. Again, ignoring an issue is not healthy. Yet, when we practice gratitude for what is going well, we are usually able to find ways to improve the parts of our life which are not going as well.

Gratitude is the Attitude!

hand writing healthy lifeBeing in integrity with who we are, spreading positive vibes when we can, practicing self-care when we can’t, and being in a place of gratitude are all ways we can be in service to our community without spending a dime.

Cindy Griffith is a Psychic, Spiritual Teacher, Edgar Cayce Field Conference Speaker, cindy at refuge cropBlogger and author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives as well as co-author of Voyage of Purpose and Grow Your Spiritual Business. Cindy teaches throughout the US, Online via, Vimeo, at the Edgar Cayce Center Headquarters, at conferences, and in Tokyo. Cindy’s recent Master’s degree focused on the Mystic’s journey to spiritual maturity. Find more about Cindy, her classes, articles, books, and psychic readings at Cindy