Love You Like A Rock – Unconditional Love

3de09465d2d748301508cc6a12aade55Love You Like a Rock – Unconditional Love

When you love a rock as much as your mother, you have experienced Unconditional Love. When you feel compassion for the person who cut you off in traffic, you have experienced Unconditional Love. When you feel love for a person who is abusive or toxic, you have experienced Unconditional Love. (wait a bit before you make judgment on that last one)

Unconditional Love has nothing to do with romantic love. Unconditional Love is the recognition that the person and the tree are, in essence, the same. Both are created of the same essence, which is Spirit. The love you feel when you think of the rock is the same love you feel when you think of God. It is not conditional on the rock being nice to you or not. But if the rock is about to fall on someone, you remove the danger. You honor the essence within the rock and you know that the essence that makes up the rock is good, it is just that the rock is not in a good place right now.

Where Unconditional Love gets confusing is when we feel that we need to allow the person who is abusive or toxic to continue to be in our lives because we think we should be practicing Unconditional Love. Like the rock, if the person is abusive or toxic, we can remove the person from our life and still love them unconditionally. We honor that the person’s essence is pure but that he or she is just not in a good place right now.

Unconditional Love gets confused with romantic love or family love, which is based on personality or genetics more than essence. Romantic love is built on a connection between two people and family love is based on genes. Unconditional Love is based on the interconnection of the spiritual essence that is in everything. So practicing Unconditional Love is as simple as going outside and seeing all creation as your brother, sister or lover. You see everything in the world as a part of yourself and you as a part of it.

So today, take time to see the rock, the tree, the car, the neighbor, and the person who cuts you off in traffic as specks of spirit and love all of it unconditionally.

Cindy Griffith, Psychic, Spiritual Development Teacher, Blogger, and Author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives is excited about her new book, co-authored with Lisa K., Grow Your Spiritual Business; coming Fall 2015. Cindy teaches throughout the US and Tokyo. Find more about Cindy, her articles, books and meditation CDs, and Psychic readings at and